Onda – Tube Chorus

All along the coastline of our Peninsula seawaters can be quite rough..
Waves rise up to the rocks, then wildly break…
From the beach, you can hear the thunderous waves pulsate, change intensity and you wish they would cradle you within a pleasant and soothing dance.
This is a recurring scene in Italy that reverberates in the traditional music through rhythmic, sweet, lively, sparkling vibrations.
Earthtone tried to translate this fascinating ecosystem into sound.
This is how the first unbelievable Earthtone Chorus was born: ONDA.

It is a tube tool, like its cousin ROSE, combining the search for crystal clear analog sounds with a creamy, warm softness, which only a tube is able to offer.

ONDA’s heart beats thanks to its memorable integrated (?), that are MN3101 and MN3007,
two components that are truly far from the digital world, rather being embraced by the human sensibility
Through their own sparkling character, which is not at all achromatic, ONDA develops a unique key which is deep, crystal clear, warm and lively; just as the Italian spirit , which in the middle of our sea waves, built stories during thousands of years.


9-12 Volt


170 mA

Consumo @ 9V

200 mA

Consumo @ 12V


Gain Minimo


Gain Massimo

+/- 8 dB @ 5Khz

Tone High

+/- 8 dB @ 500 Hz

Tone Low


Dist. Armonica Min. @ 440 Hz


Dist. Armonica Max. @ 440 Hz

500 K

Impedenza Ingresso

100 K

Impedenza di Uscita

Earthtone – Onda (TUBE CHORUS) by Corrado Guidi

Earthtone – Onda (TUBE CHORUS) by Francesco Moneti

Nik plays EARTHTONE Rose + Onda