Even here, at Earthtone, there’s a question whom we connot back out of.
Whats is the sense and the meaning of our creation, what is our final purpose?
We do like to answer by saying that we born …. to AMPLIFY!
We learnt by experience that the artist need all is useful as to amplify i sour eureka moment and connect it to audible world.
… Evrything originates from the heart (Cuore in Italian)!!
Earthtone answer is … CORE!!
CORE open the doors to the S.M.A.R.T amplification!

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For years Earthtone has been dealing whith the signal pre-amplification and obviously, the inspiration to reach also whith the amplification the best functionality in the minimun amount of space exactly comes from the guitar pedals world.
- You’re asking us to amplify … a lot … possibly in the minimun amount of space …
- You’re asking us to possibly maintain your pedals and pre-amp setup …
- to easily connect you with external sources, like mixers and Audio softwares …
- to take advantage of the warm features of a tube pre amplification …
All that is CORE!!!

Pre-amp Section:
Discrete circuitry fet/tube
IN impedance: 500 kohm
Sensivty 200 mV
Fw BOOST control
3 way tone control BASS-MID-HIGH
Gain control
VOLUME controlPREAMP OUT inpedance 50 kohm
Final Section:
Circuitry Class D
OUT power RMS:
30W/8 Ohm or 50W/4Ohm
DI Section:
Decent circuitry Fet
VOLUME control